person looking out over the ocean
person looking out over the ocean

He who dies with the most isn't the winner. He who dies with the best memories is truly the winner, in this game called life

Start Living Your Best Life Today: Live Free Live Life

Let's keep the dream alive.

Book cover with though bubbles live free live lifeBook cover with though bubbles live free live life

Now Available on Amazon The Book

Live Free Live Live Live The dream

My Story

Shane worked within the corporate world and or was also self-employed for 30-plus years. Many of these years included working a side hustle to protect the household income. Then on May 1st, 2018, Shane decided that the life he was leading was no longer for him and decided to walk away from it all and chase after the dream life that he always wanted. To achieve his dream life. Shane implemented numerous life and money management strategies that he writes about in several publications and on this website.

After entering semi-retirement, and living as a snowbird for two years. On Mar 17th, 2021, in the middle of the pandemic. Shane boarded the plane and decided that the time was now to live the best life possible, Shane's plan to move away from the country he grew up in was now fully in motion after putting together a five-year plan, which changed to a two-year plan due to the pandemic. He decided to liquidate everything in Canada as well as his winter home in Florida to enable him to start the final stage of his dream of living abroad in a beachside community where it is warm all year round.

Shane is a certified life coach and hypnotherapist and has worked as a business consultant whose expertise is in business start-ups and day-to-day operations.

Shane now resides in the Philippines with his wife JoyLyn

picture of Shane Lifeman with his wife JoyLyn
picture of Shane Lifeman with his wife JoyLyn
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Do You Want To Achieve A Healthy Work-Life Balance?
Do You Want To Transition to Working Part-Time Only
Living A Simpler Lifestyle is Easier Than You Think
Wellness, It's Important To Stay Health So You Can Live Life You Want

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My Blog - Living the Dream: How to Achieve Life Balance with a Simpler Lifestyle

Let me help you get on track to managing your finances, transitioning from working full-time to part-time, having a healthy work-life balance, and a healthy lifestyle overall so you can live the best life possible

working at the beach
working at the beach

Another Day At The Office

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Passion led me here, living my dream is keeping me here
Passion led me here, living my dream is keeping me here